Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reflections on TED-Talks

I am here to give a reflection but I could not give a right/correct/acceptable answer if you really want me to give you an answer I really cannot think and reflect upon my mind and thoughts.

So, the reflection will be up as soon as I finish watching all the TED-Talks.

I'm really inspired but also to think that some are good in presenting but they're not good at being an audience.

Nathan: CO2 Emission : I really like the graph and the paintings he drew. (even though it was an overnight work)

The topic was quite interesting (especially his speech).

Allen: Over-population: I really like the infographic and the powerpoint which makes me really think about What Does It Mean to be Human?

Ilya: Russia Low Birth Rate: It is really amazing to hear about this from Russia especially when the country is really so big.

Daniel Liu: It's quite interesting to watch his ted-talk presentation and the way he pulls the audience to really listen his presentation. Overall, It was really great.

Bob: It was really amazing to hear about the aboriginal tribes that are in Taiwan.. and the lost of culture.

Overall, I think that all the presentations were great and I managed to learn many things from their presentations.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

CS5 - Newspaper Article

Pet Abuse and animal cruelty rates have risen higher and higher since 2007.

There are at least 300 cases of animal cruelty every year.

In January 2011, there are a number of 82 animal cruelty cases. It may seem little but it actually makes a big difference.

In February 2011, there are a number of 76 animal cruelty cases. It make a difference but not much considered to January.

Last but not least, in March 2011, the animal cruelty cases rose up to 86 cases. The change is really big for a month.

There is ways to deal with animal cruelty. You can call an animal shelter if they could help keep the animal or keep the animal in your home. Also, bringing the animal to the vet is one way to save the animal too.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

#CS5 - Infographic

The reason behind this infographic:

The main topic of this infographic is Pets. There are many words that can be used to describe a word 'Pet'. In this infographic, I used a HUMAN-PET relationship to create this infographic. It makes it easier to understand rather to put words that are just too complicated and difficult to understand.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

#CS5 - Infographic - Word Infographic :D

Education (Information) - Infographics !! :D

I might be using this software to help me with my artifact!

Stay Tune!