Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

thoughts , eyes on Africa

Well, Eyes on Africa really inspire me to learn more about Africa. If there's no Eyes On Africa project/presentation, I will not learn many tribes/cultures/history on Africa.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Eyes On Africa Presentation by others

There are most likely 20 presentations. Till today, only 11 people (I'm included) have presented to the class about this project.

They were ranging from Simolia & Pirates to Dogon Tribe and Boer War to the other parts of Africa.

The pirates from Simolia and Suez Canal was a different perspective. Suez canal was a trading center before the colonization.

The Coltan presentation from another was really a wonderful experience and somehow related to my presentation about "Slave Trade".
He also told ask about miming and "comlumbite ttatailite which is used as a raw material for electronic capacitor.

Kenya which produced tea & Coffee also had wilde beeste which migrates throughout the year. Crocodiles in the Mara River often have wilde beeste as their dinner. The dangers of wild life.. began...

Sierre Loone....
was amazing and the presentation was a reality. There were dance, video and presentation which is very different from the rest.
Diamonds was one of the raw materials found there and it was used to make masks!

Kenya.. the place where music comes to life. It's where European style is mixed with Kenya music.

[THE rest to be UPDATED]

I think that the presentation on Coltan really share the same idea as my presentation.


[BOOK] New Found Land

New Found Land is a novel by Allan Wolf. It is a book that talks about Lewis & Clark's Voyage Of Discovery.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hutu & Tutsi

Rwanda is a kingdom where the Hutus and Tutsi unite. The Germany & Belgium turned the class system of the Hutu-Tutsi relationship in the year, 1918.

The Minority Tutsi are 14%. They are favored over the Hutu who are 84% and were given privileges. They are also given western-style education.

The Tutsi minority are used by Belgians to enforce their rule.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011