Time Period: Present
Advantages & Disadvantages in Singapore
For this new case study, I'm working on the advantages and disadvantages in Singapore but my artifacts will only base on the disadvantage of Singapore.
Four Artifacts
Pets Infographic is uploaded on the main page.
Newspaper Article , Local Issue & Solution proposal
Pet Abuse Newspaper Article will be based on the presentation I'm going to make and it will be uploaded by this weekend.
Short Film/Documentary
It will be updated on a latest post.
I'm sorry that I didn't really make a documentary but anyway, I made a documentary on What Does it mean to be human? and found a youtube video on Dolphins.
This is the link to my mini TED-TALK which is about 7mins long.
I really feel that Pet Abuse is a big problem not only in Singapore but in other parts of the World. It really shows self-awareness to the people and even to them it may seems that it's not really a big responsibility. No! It is a really big responsibility if someone/family doesn't play their part to stop Pet Abuse. It may actually affect their friends/neighbours and soon the whole country will be irresponsible.